In the Magisk v24+ version, John Wu's announcement that garnered attention is the support for Android 12 and the removal of Magisk Hide, bringing features like Zygisk, etc. However, I only heard similar terms in related forums and did not pay attention to Magisk's updates, after all, if the various modules and frameworks are working well, I wouldn't touch them.
Recently, I finally had time to tinker with it, and just in time, Geek Bay also released a video 【Bilibili】Must-watch for enthusiasts! A beginner-friendly ROOT basics guide to get you started with Android flashing! where I learned about Recovery, Fastboot, ADB commands, which are definitely worth reviewing; I also took this opportunity to write a bit for those who are confused after this update to help them achieve previous functionalities.
You need to download the latest Magisk Magisk-vxx.x.apk
- Download link
If your network is poor, you can switch to a data or Wi-Fi network environment, or use tools like "accelerators" to access and download.
After downloading Magisk-vxx.x.apk
, change the .apk
suffix to .zip
and remember your directory to flash this Magisk package in third-party Recovery. If all goes well, after rebooting, you should see that superuser permissions under Magisk are enabled.
Once downloaded, open Magisk, go to Home - Settings - Magisk, and enable the Zygisk (Beta)
We need to download two files:
- Shamiko
- Download link - Zygisk-LSPosed
- Download link
Since the download paths vary for each browser, you can check the default download path in the browser settings - General. If you don't know the default download path, you can try searching for it.
Return to the home page, go to Modules - Install from local, and select the
you just downloaded; after installing Shamiko and Zygisk-LSPosed, reboot your device.
The software I use requires selecting options in Home - Settings - Magisk - Configure exclusion list. If you want to hide it deeper, you can change the package name in Home - Settings - App to hide Magisk; I won't go into detail here.
If using the Lsposed framework, it will most likely install the modules for you on the desktop; if not, check if you missed any steps during installation.
That’s it for the installation; it should be almost the same as before. If you encounter any issues, please leave a comment or give me a thumbs up.
If your settings have
Follow exclusion list
enabled by default, please disable it for Shamiko to take effect.
This article is synchronized and updated by Mix Space to xLog. The original link is