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CatWrt-Newifi D2 New Router 3 Blood Chicken MTK Wireless Firmware

📣 This blog has been archived, CatWrt latest release page.

CatWrt for Newifi D2 New Router 3 Chicken Blood MTK Wireless Firmware, because the firmware for the new 3 on the market is not suitable for me. First, I need Chicken Blood wireless and sufficient functionality, which means using it as a wireless AP, so this version of the firmware was created.

  • Minimalized source code from Diao
  • MTK Chicken Blood WiFi wireless driver
  • Full support for IPv6
  • Basic network acceleration
  • Ordinary remote management

Due to the limited storage space of Newifi D2, which is only a meager 32m, a CatWrt minimal firmware was specially made, and it is basically the same source code as the x86 version v22.7, so the plugins are all pre-packaged except for the original version + internal network penetration, which can be manually installed if needed.



Default IP

User root

Password password

You can also use the default without modification, optional; if your network was previously on a different subnet, please modify it below.

Automatically Enable WiFi#

Due to the characteristics of the Chicken Blood firmware, wireless can only be turned on in this way, and the following methods are recommended.

Set a static address for the computer's wired connection to 192.168.1.x, subnet mask, fill in the main gateway/router address as, and leave DNS empty or the same as the gateway.


Log in to the OpenWrt backend, go to System - Startup - Local Startup Script, and insert /sbin/mtkwifi up before exit 0.

Complete script

/sbin/mtkwifi up

exit 0

Scheduled Task#

In System - Scheduled Tasks, fill in 0 * * * * /sbin/mtkwifi up for the scheduled task.

Complete scheduled task

0 * * * * /sbin/mtkwifi up

Modify Default IP#

In the OpenWrt terminal, enter vi /etc/config/network and modify the IP address in the option ipaddr line.

After completing, press Esc, then press the colon :, and enter wq; it should display :wq

After returning, enter reboot to restart.

Modify Default Password#

In the terminal, enter passwd, input the password, and then confirm the password.


⚠️ The firmware is for student learning and technical exchange only, please do not use it for illegal purposes.

File location v22.7/targets/ramips/mt7621

Generally, you only need to download the squashfs-sysupgrade.bin suffix, which is openwrt-ramips-mt7621-d-team_newifi-d2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin.

Alibaba Cloud Drive#

The image file format does not support sharing, rename the file in Alibaba Cloud Drive to .exe, please rename and remove the .exe field before use.

Extraction code: 91tt

Tianyi Cloud#

Access code: ojg7

China Mobile Cloud Drive#

Extraction code: JHgq


Firmware support is not perfect, and there may inevitably be bugs. If you encounter problems, please leave a comment below or join the group to inquire. If you have used my firmware, you can ask for simple advice; if it is paid, that would be even better. I won't respond to those using someone else's firmware!

Feel free to leave comments to encourage ( ´・・) ノ (._.`)

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